If It’s There Do It

In an age of increasing passivity and spectatoritis, I am an activist. I believe God intended rivers to be swum or canoed, mountains to be climbed or skied, cliffs to be rappelled, books to be read, games to be played and new places to be visited. Beethoven had the idea when, going deaf, he said, “I will take life by the throat!” When in doubt, do it! Go for it!

This one needs a strong caution. It is not to be applied to situations that are clearly sinful, or even doubtful, or to those that are unacceptably dangerous.

Following this word will break the ambivalence of those ‘will I or won’t I’ situations. It will help you decide to take that trip, redo the kitchen, bike around the lake or go for that scholarship. Have an adventure. IF IT’S THERE, DO IT!

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