Like red pepper or curry, this one must be used sparingly and in just the right circumstances. It is sometimes wrong to live with what is. Many conditions and circumstances can and must be changed — injustices, character flaws, bad habits (like my bad habit of keeping a cluttered desk). After all, in Christ we are new creations; the old is gone, the new has come. (II Corinthians 5:17)
However, each of us has less-than-ideal circumstances in his life he longs to change but cannot — perhaps a physical limitation or a difficult family situation. Someone suggested we treat these ‘givens’ not as problems, but as our set of facts. If we can’t change it, it isn’t a problem, it’s just what is. And the sooner we learn to live with what is, the sooner we learn how God wants to use ‘what is’ for His glory and our blessing. LET’S LEARN TO LIVE WITH WHAT IS!
Aging is one of those parts of life where it’s best to “Live With What Is.” AT 58, I’m not yet what some would call “old.” But already I begin to see hints of the truth in Pastor Geiger’s assurance: “God wants to use ‘what is’ for His glory and our blessing.” Blessings in being old? Yes. If you’re having trouble seeing this, spend some time in Robert Browning’s “Rabbi Ben Ezra:”
“Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:…”